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The combination of modified seed oil and organosilicone helps to increase chemical absorption
and penetration through cell walls.


Ablaze replaces any need for petroleum based crop oils with superior technology. Lower surface tension enhances absorption with each application. Ablaze was carefully integrated by using great MSO technology and the latest surfactant on the market. This blend saves mixing time and contains the proper ratio for maximum potency.


The recommended application rate is 1-4 quarts per 100 gallons water. Increase for a more concentrated application or decrease for sensitive crop application. See product label for complete usage rates.

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Redlock contains a low load of ammonium sulfate (AMS), and our special polumer blend reduces the volatility of the
ammonia in the AMS. You can add additional AMS to the tank mix if labels call for full rates of AMS. And, since nonionic sufactants are already in the mix, there’s no need to add additional surfactants.


The benefits with Redlock grow when you consider the many products bundled together in this water conditioning blend. Your sprayer reload time is decreased during critical weather windows with the combiniation of adjuvants making tank mixes smoother and quicker. With Redlock you get the speed and quick mixing of spray grade liquid AMS, surfactant, and our industry best Redlock Drift Control.


Recommended rate is 1-8 quarts per 100 gallons of spray solution. See product label for complete usage rates.

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Xception is ammonia free water conditioning agent designed for tank mixes with dicamba herbicides. It contains a nonionic surfactant, drift reduction agent, defoamer, and a complete water conditioner that chelates with metallic ions including calcium. Xception creats an optimized sized spray droplet and slows down the evaporation for enhanced time for chemical uptake of active ingredients on target. 


Xception can be used for a wide range of tank mixes when accompanying labels calling for water conditioners and spreader-wetter adjuvants.


When used as DRA for Xtendimax, ENGENIA, or FeXapan tank mixes: 5 pints per 100 gallons of water.
When used as water conditioner: 2-4 quarts per 100 gallons of water (0.5% v/v - 1.0% v/v).
When used as drift reduction agent: 1-3 quarts per 100 gallons of water. See products label for complete usage rates.

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